IIS maxupload limit ASP

IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 or R2 has a limit of 200 KB for ASP requests in general and file uploads. To change this limitation you need to edit the Metabase file, which can be found at c:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\MetaBase.xml.
Follow these steps:
– Stop IIS from command line

iisreset /STOP

– Open MetaBase file, find the variable AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed limits the number of bytes in the page request (by default 200KB); change the value to 1073741824 (unlimited) or to a limit of your choice.

– Start IIS from command linet:

iisreset /START

There’s another way for do this change without stop the service but sincerly IIS is a Microsoft program, I’m no sure about this operation..

Go to IIS and right click the server, select Properties, and check the box “Allow changes to MetaBase configuration while IIS is running” then try to edit metbase file.

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